Tuesday, March 16, 2010

rollin' on the river

do do do do do...

so yeah, I’m starting to get a bit freaked out. About the river. Rising. The red river. The red river rising. I keep getting these tweets from @fargofloodstage that tell me the current level of the river (at 9:42 am pacific on tues: "The Red River at Fargo ND is at 28.2 ft which is 10.2 ft above flood stage." YES. That is UP THREE FEET from yesterday). And then I got a tweet from @inforum saying they urgently need sandbaggers. And what am I doing?? Sitting on my ass in california working for the man. Literally. There is a man I work for. So yes, this is all starting to freak me out a bit. Can people go out and sandbag for me? And can you give me updates? How is it all going? What level is your house at?

[urgent need for sandbaggers!!]

For those not in fargo, here are some links so you can keep up-to-date:
you can also subscribe to the flood rss feeds by adding this: http://www.inforum.com/event/rss.group/group/Flood/ to your reader as i just did.

i looked online and see that airfare home for the weekend is $657 and i have a $250 voucher i have to use before may - do ya'll need me to head home and help out?? wait. nevermind. just got an email from my mom who points out they need helpers NOW and not on friday. should i stay or should i go? hmmm...

anyone have any other links i should include for all you need to know about fargo flooding?

[subject from the great credence clearwater revival song. if you need me to explain it, well... ]


  1. Facebook Midwest Flood Pages

    Fargo Flooding (ND)

    Fargo-Morehead Flood Volunteer (ND-MN)

    FB Users from ND and MN (ND-MN) - Flood
    http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=North+Dakota+Flood&init=quick#!/group.php?gid=74723009125&ref=search&sid=1094783946.3995543758..1 -

    City of Moorhead (MN)

    Twitter ND/MN Hashtags
    #flood10 (main)

    Twitter Midwest Flood Address (list)


    Midwest Flood-specific - Media/Govt Pages/Blogs
    ***InForum Flood Blog - http://www.areavoices.com/springflood/
    Fargo Floodplain Maps - http://www.cityoffargo.com/CityInfo/Departments/Engineering/FloodInfoCenter/MapsRiverLevels/
    USGS ND Water Science Center - http://nd.water.usgs.gov/floodtracking/charts/05054000_09020104.html
    Minn-Kota Red Cross - http://minnkotaredcross.org/
    Fargo, City of - http://www.cityoffargo.com/CityInfo/Departments/Engineering/FloodInfoCenter/
    Bismark Tribune - http://www.ndfloods.com
    City of Moorhead - http://www.cityofmoorhead.com/flood/
    City of Moorhead Flood Info GIS Tools - http://gis.cityofmoorhead.com/FloodStages/index.html
    Fargo Flooding - http://www.fargoflooding.com/
    Valley Flood Watch - http://valleyfloodwatch.com/

    ***includes articles from PIO w/NDDES

    EAS Stations
    KFGO - http://www.kfgo.com/flood/index.php

  2. You could also throw in http://twitter.com/fargofloodstage

  3. awesome input, brandon and cameron. i'll put together another summary of all these links...

  4. Work is slowing down. The hospital is scaling back for Thursday and Friday only. They are trying to cooperate with the city and trying to not have people driving into the city for procedures or treatment. Back to norm Monday
