Saturday, December 11, 2010

things that are making me happy

so i'm in the air as i write this. and its the holidays. and i love the holidays. i love love love love christmas. and i don't even mind (knock on wood) getting stuck when i'm flying. as long as i get there. for some reason i obviously equate those two things together. one of my favorite things is holiday decorations. i'd say christmas decorations, but i dont really know what's "christmas" vs. just "holiday." at our holiday party last weekend, my roommate said "can we have just holiday music and not christmas music?" and i was like, "umm...." because i have NO IDEA what would be one thing and not the other. i am really without religion. for me, christmas isn't about christ. its about decorations, being nice, giving gifts, snow, being with family, etc. nothing symbolic or religious for me.

so, ramble ramble ramble. holiday decorations are making me happy. and i LOVE this idea:
how CUTE is that?? and so creative! and i'm pretty sure higgi would HATE it. haha. it makes me want to do it in our apartment, but don't worry - i WONT. maybe in my room. probably not. no time. orrr... maybe i do it in april or something. yes. THAT is a good idea. here are some other "creative" xmas ideas...

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