Thursday, December 23, 2010

state of mind

so some genius made this video. its been around the interwebs for a while, but thought i would put it up so i can have a copy of it in the future. i LOVE it because i can relate to 95.7% of it. the other 4.3% is new since i graduated from northeastern in 2004. but the rest is spot on. feel free to ask me for stories sometime. and despite having some bad feelings about nu, i'm starting to get over them and want to be involved again. maybe i'll take some classes or go see some old professors. hmm... good idea.

do you keep in touch with any of your profs from college?


  1. ahh, that must have brought back some memories. I know it did for me. Pretty cool.

  2. that's awesome!

    i said middler's when it came on! i knew that would be in there

  3. Very cool. It brought back memories....especially of you saying you were a middler.

  4. we still, i believe, live down the block from our old math professor. i think we should show up to his apartment someday and demand some extra credit! and i am super glad you enjoy this video - i am so obsessed with it.

  5. oh, filgo, yes, we should!

    and, i'm developing a crush on the kid in the video. the main guy.

  6. i SAW him on campus a couple of weeks ago, and i almost flipped out, as i would an ACTUAL famous person... but then i remembered he is just an NU undergrad, who made a youtube video, and i got over it. lol... and yeah, it's a well-deserved crush. :)

  7. lol. i thought you meant you flipped out with prof. filgo. lol. feel free to bring him home. :)
