Monday, May 17, 2010

bah da bah da da da

so it is. monday morning. and i have a lot to do, but not QUITE enough for me to feel stressed about it. yet. . . oh hmmm... i rather like the ellipses with a space between. . . yes, indeed. i do.

anyway, i'm back in fargo for a few days.

saturday was a fun party chez mes parents. my aunt and uncle, grandma, great aunt, and two cousins came (along with my brothers and sister - lets just get this straight right off the bat: i have a soon-to-be sister-in-law which is waay to long to type all the time, so i'll just call her my sister and you can note that she CHOOSES to be my sister, unlike my brothers who have no choice). and my parents were there, of course. my dad and i almost got into an all-out war over whether or not he was going to show up. i won. he came. ha ha. just kidding. not at all. wouldn't that be funny if i just started telling stupid stories that weren't true?? i wonder if people would object or just ignore it... good question if i do say so myself.

so saturday night was slightly dramatic at the fargo theater. my siblings and i (that's four of us, keep in mind) went to see iron man2. it was apparently a bit of a coup that they got this film instead of marcus theaters in town. not sure the total reason why, but i was glad to see that the theater had a massive blockbuster and assumed it would be totally full because iron man 2 is a huge film. not so. the theater was disappointedly NOT full (maybe like... 50 people there?? out of 300+ seats...?) AND we had to fight through some zombie party to get there. then they wouldn't let my brother and sister use this pass that i had gotten them expressly FOR iron man. we argued, but i'm still uncomfortable with how everything went down. i think the guy behind the counter was a little stressed and then my other brother didnt have cash (oh woops - player i owe you money. i'll send it to you) and he was my wallet for the night, so he had to rush to use the ATM... i still feel like we could've done something differently with the guy behind the counter - the passes say good for all movies EXCEPT special engagements, which this wasn't (it wasnt a play or concert), so i think they should've gotten to see the movie , get their popcorn and drinks, guilt-free. it was wasted and it totally soured the whole thing for me. i'm thinking of writing a letter to the fargo theater. oh. player, i think you have my ticket stub, too. . . i do like to keep those. anyway, the movie was good, but i was tired and i couldnt follow it. AND i felt like it was too far away from the seats. it wasn't in-your-face like at a normal movie theater. and my brother complained about the floors (which i didnt notice), but... the whole thing was sad. i wonder if they are making money on it. i hope so. player and i walked home which i would never do on my own. i told him that, despite being from fargo, to me, lack of lights on the streets = unsafe. thats the city side of me. and the fact that there were still zombies around was kind of freaky. but i was with a 6'5" guy and i didnt have a purse so we expertly escaped any unrightfulness. i just made that word up.

sunday (yesterday) my mom and i went to thrift stores looking for furniture for me to bring to bos, mostly so we can freak out higgs. mwahahahaha. jk. i really did want to find something cute, but it was no good. just last week, my parents donated their old entertainment center to the arc, and we saw it there and not being in our house made it look HORRIBLE. it was a shock! its like, you dont notice all the scratches, and style, etc until its out of context. it was crazy. i still told people to buy it because i think $35 is a very good price for it, but they just looked at me funny.

i also tried finding a silver chain to wear this necklace that i bought. or would that be a pendant and the act of putting it on a chain makes it a necklace? whatever it is, i couldnt find a chain long enough. i was at the jewelry counter and the guy was talking about chains and kept saying "but the sterling silver is over there" and pointing to the costume jewelry area. i was like, "ok, no problem, i'm not really worried about price" because i wasn't. how much can a strand of white gold cost? SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS IT CAN! i was SHOCKED. all of a sudden i WAS worried about price. but nothing was long enough anyway. nor were the "cheap" strands.

so last night we started to play a game of settlers of catan and i pretty much sucked sucked sucked. i've never played a game so poorly in my life. well, aside from basketball or something like that. i was pretty good at kickball back in the day. and i was decent at volleyball until i quit because i didnt want to have to have a physical. i have since gotten over my dislike of doctors. no wait. i still dislike them, but i find them necessary now. but i digress. i sucked it up big time, i'm glad we quit early and let my mom win (did we let her claim victory?) and i didnt suffer any longer. this morning, i packed up my settlers games (my family will be so sad they can't play them anymore!) and am taking them to boston to force all my friends to play. i AM willing to fight physically for the chance to play these games...

i better get going. gotta shower so i dont smell for lunch with a friend and then i've got a pedicure later this evening. other than that, the day is meant to be for packing. . .

catch you on the flip side dot space dot space dot

[monday, monday by the mamas and the papas' first line...]