Published October 08 2009as stoked and proud as i am about this, i find it a bit ironic... see, i've been meaning to write my own editorial for a long time. i was going to, and still hope to, write to senator conrad about my experiences being denied healthcare coverage (can you believe that??!!), but since i am a well-known procrastinator, i have not gotten around to it just yet. in the meantime, i got an email from brave new world foundation talking about health care in rural america (i think from brave new world, but i viewed it from work, so i can't find the direct link for you right now). you watched a very poignant video on health care affecting rural america. then, you have the option to put in your zip code, so i put in 58102, and up pops a listing of local newspapers (the forum in fargo). it gave you a sample text you could use to write an editorial to the paper. i didn't have a lot of time, so i clicked send and off went my pre-written editorial. i just thought i should come out clean with all the details. don't get me wrong, i believe in the everything the editorial says. and i'm happy to put my name by it. but if you see the same words somewhere else, that is why.Rural Americans need reform bill
I am disappointed that when rural people have been shown in the health care reform debate, when they’ve been shown at all, it’s mostly been screaming and shouting against reform.By: DLE, Fargo
I am disappointed that when rural people have been shown in the health care reform debate, when they’ve been shown at all, it’s mostly been screaming and shouting against reform. The truth is the silent majority of rural Americans want and need health care reform that is inclusive, affordable and includes a strong public option.
Rural Americans are more likely to be uninsured or underinsured and have fewer choices of private insurance and health care providers while having more health care needs. While all Americans stand to gain from health care reform, arguably rural Americans have the most to gain. Please make sure this side of the story is heard.
Tags: health care reform, public insurance option, rural americans, opinion, letters
and guess how i even found out about this. my friend, kj's husband emailed her to show her that i was in the paper and then she emailed me. my own family didn't even notice! :) but now i'm published and that's cool. and i believe in healthcare reform and i hope to one day write an even better editorial that is a bit more personal.
hahaha that is hilarious!