Monday, August 24, 2009

left in the wrong world part 1

i genuinely like my job. i like the work: it's interesting and ... well, to be fair - not that difficult. BUT being here is not easy for me. it all started last week when i noticed a "palin power" bumper sticker on a co-workers car. this surprised and disheartened me. then, the next day, i overheard my coworkers saying things like how when his kid is in 3rd grade, his textbooks are going to talk about 9/11 and the 2000 election and blame the financial crisis on all that and he's going to have to sit his son down and tell him how it REALLY happened. then they talked about senator barney frank and the town meeting in ma. and i quote: "...that tells you how messed up massachusetts is."

i IMed my "boss" in boston and said "i don't think you're paying me enough." he instantly knew what i was talking about.

BUT there is a shining moment - i am going to bring you all the goodies in my new segment: left in the wrong world.