Tuesday, October 21, 2008

rollin' and scratchin'


so yesterday in class our teacher told us that we have an exam tomorrow. crap. i sooo have not studied as much as i would've liked. well, rephrase: i haven't really studied at all. i have all these notes i want to redo and workbook exercises in my book and all this other stuff. then jp, the piano player, was going to come over this morning to practice and i thought, "oh, great, if he's here, i'll be forced to study." and then he had class or something so he didn't come and have i studied?? no! this is horrible! so i have decided that if i do ok on my test, i can download the most recent episode of chuck and watch it. but not until WED NIGHT. at the earliest.

this is how unfocused i've been lately: i was "lifting weights" at home - stefan has some free weights around and so i thought, "great, i'll buff up my arms." so i'm lifting them and it says something like 5kg. i have no idea how much that is, then i see it also says 3.3 lbs. oh ok, i can deal with 3.3 lbs and there are two of them so its like a 7 lb weight. lift, lift. struggle, struggle. why can i not do bicep curls like i used to?? i used to do 8 lbs easy! wow, i really have gotten weak since i came to europe.

ok, that (above) was all yesterday.

today i realized that the 3.3 lbs weights, of which there are 2, are on each side of the dumbbell. so it's a 14 lb weight! i think i'm the dumbbell. no wonder it was so hard. except its not so bad because now i kind of feel proud of myself since i lifted so much. ha.

so thats whats going on. i may even turn off my computer tonight and not turn it on until tomorrow after the test. oh, did i tell you its a 90 min test?? isn't that crazy! and we have to write and listen. scary! so thur is the last day of class which means that i have friday and all next week with nothing to do but go around berlin. that should be fun.

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