Saturday, October 18, 2008

platinum blonde life

big news around here: i no longer have colored hair. i pulled all of my extensions out (you can't really just PULL them out, it's kind of a fancy hair tricking process) because they were creating dreadlocks. yes, that's right. dreadlocks. i understand this sounds funny, but it's true. because hair naturally falls out all day long, if it didn't fall "out" of my hair, it would get trapped around the metal pieces holding my hair in place and then it would wrap itself around a chunk of my hair. you couldn't see it since all of my extensions are under the top layers of hair, BUT i could feel it. and not that i have anyone running his hands through my hair, but IF i did, he would be able to feel it, too. so the color had to go. almost 3 months: pretty good go at it, i think. and i still have all the hair, so i can put them back in sometime. zaz!

the only issue now is that my hair is brown. and i have no issue with brown haired people, but it seems very dark for me. no plans for now except to keep growing it until next september at which point i will cut it and donate to be made into a cancer wig. i wonder if someone walked by i would be able to tell, "hey! that wig is made from my hair." that would be cool.


  1. go you! cant wait to see what your hair looks like once its at the length you want to donate....
