Tuesday, October 7, 2008

oh, marky mark, how you speak the truth

so i have just discovered itunes podcasts - so fun! well, wait. it's fun, yes, but i have just realized how many HOURS of the past few days i have wasted browsing the itunes podcasts directory. and yes, i did download many music videos, but i'm done with that. we're in a recession! i need to be SAVING money not downloading music videos for sentimental value!

BUT the podcasts are free. and i have german and french and english ones. so exciting!

one of my favorite movies is The Departed and so when I saw a podcast of the making of the departed i thought, "well, i have to have that." so i downloaded it. if you don't know, the departed takes place in boston, my old stomping ground for many years. i have a love/hate relationship with boston, leaning towards the latter. so when they interviewed marky mark (now going by mark whalberg, although to me he will always send good vibrations through the funky bunch) and he explained why he was so excited to work on the departed, i had to laugh. 1) martin scorcese and 2) being back in boston, his hometown. he then notes that his character is a cop and that "you either become a crook or a cop in boston. or a construction worker. there's not too much in between."

so true.


  1. d - you just now got into podcasts? that's CRAZY! You should download the Flight of the Conchords podcast, it's good.

  2. i know, i know. i'm so behind! i didn't know fotc had a podcast. fun!
